Noah Moore
I'm Noah Moore! I am a first year licensed social studies teacher. I was born and raised in southern Minnesota, and I recently graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato with my education degree. Now, I cannot wait to get into the classroom and help prepare students for engagement in their community, the nation, and the world!
Saint Peter Middle School
Sept. - Dec. 2019
Full time student teaching under a veteran middle school teacher and former school administrator. Taught 7th grade U.S. Studies and 8th grade Geography.
Nøtterøy, Norway
Spent over a month teaching at Nøtterøy Videregående Skole, a public, upper secondary, and college preparatory school for students aged 16 to 19 in Norway. Worked closely with Norwegian educators to develop a cross-cultural approach to education and bring a global perspective into the classroom. Organized by Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Below you can download some of my work, as well as my resume and transcripts (with personal data redacted).
Sample Lesson Plans
Academic Papers
Published in Minnesota State University, Mankato's Journal of Undergraduate Research